ULTRA-RARE-- We assure you, the only one you'll ever see-- vintage black fountain pen signature on a 4x6-inch tan album page, acquired in-person by inveterate collectors Irene and Rose Gellar in the late 1940s and decorated with a Players Directory image. In good condition. Note that the image of the star shown here alongside the scan of the autograph is not included. Diminutive character actor Bernard Gorcey-- who stood not an inch above 4'10"-- was mentored in comedy by Mark Twain and found some success on the Broadway and Vaudeville stages in the early 1900s. By the 1940s, when older age wizened and whitened him into an even more peculiar-looking creature, he found much work as a character actor in classic films, unforgettable as Mr. Mann in the Charlie Chaplin favorite The Great Dictator (1940), which really showcased his particular talents. He was the father of Leo B. Gorcey, popping up alongside him in Dead End Kids films of the 1940s and 1950s, before his untimely death in a road accident.