Classic Entertainment Autographs

How do I consign to Classic Entertainment Autographs?

We are routinely told by collectors and dealers who consign autographs to us that they are highly impressed by both the amounts we can acquire for specific pieces and the speed with which they are sold. Moreover, we are often told that our consignment process is one of the easiest and fairest in the industry. It's as easy as this:

1. Send us a high-quality image of the piece(s) you wish to consign.

2. Provide a detailed description of the piece(s), making mention of every minor imperfection, such as minute dings or creases; soiling; toning; warping; demulsification; evidence of erased inscriptions; even or irregular trimming; fading of the writing; or tears, even if these seem negligible.

Alternatively, you are certainly free to send us the material to scan and inspect, but this is not required for consignment.

3. Let us know how much you would like to acquire for the piece(s). We will raise the price(s) by a sufficient amount to allow for our commission rate, which is 20 percent. On some occasions, we will suggest, upon much experience, decreasing or increasing the price(s).

4. We will post the item(s) on our site with the next scheduled series of additions, which are announced in an e-mail circulated to all subscribers to our site's update list and on the "Newly Added Items" section of our page. No consigned item is removed until it sells or the owner specifically requests its removal. 

5. If an item of yours sells, we pay you by PayPal or check, as per your instructions. We cover PayPal or any other fees incurred by the buyer's payment.

6. Upon receipt of payment, you mail the piece to us, covering all shipping costs. We then send it to its new owner, covering the cost of postage.

7. We guarantee the authenticity of every piece we sell for its entire lifetime. If a piece consigned by you is ultimately deemed, to our satisfaction, to be non-authentic, and we must refund the buyer, the piece will be sent back to you, and we will expect a full refund of the payment we made to you, as well as the cost of mailing it back to you.


Are there any pieces Classic Entertainment Autographs is not interested in taking on consignment?

We are not interested in:

1. Pieces with autopen, secretarial or pre-printed signatures;

2. autographed musical instruments or articles of clothing;

3. sports autographs, unless of very iconic persons (e.g., Muhammed Ali, Joe DiMaggio) of more universal appeal or athletes who also appeared in motion pictures (e.g., Andre the Giant, Bull Montana).