From a massive horde of signatures, all acquired in-person over three decades by an indefatigable autograph hound, comes this highly rare vintage inscribed blue fountain pen signature on a 4x6-inch off-white card, decorated with a small magazine image, acquired in the 1960s. In very fine condition. Prolific bald, bucktoothed English character actor Anthony Eustrel played butlers, physicians, military men, waiters, shopkeepers, and clergymen in scores of films and television programs, including Anthony and Cleopatra (1945), The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952), Titanic (1953), The Robe (1953), Lust for Life (1956), The Ten Commandments (1956), Li'l Abner (1959), The Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze (1963), The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964), "Batman" (1966), and "Get Smart" (1966-1968).