Classic Entertainment Autographs

Cat. #00154141: VICTORIA HORNE

Scarce vintage blue ballpoint pen signature on a 3x5-inch off-white card, dating to her later years. In good condition. Goofy-looking character actress Victoria Horne, who was the wife of comic character actor Jack Oakie, was a veritable scene-stealer in a mixed bag of dramatic, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, crime, and mystery flicks, including Phantom Lady (1944), the Sherlock Holmes gem The Scarlet Claw (1944), Murder in the Blue Room (1944), Roughly Speaking (1945), The Unseen (1945), That's the Spirit (1945), Secret Agent X-9 (1945), the Lon Chaney Jr. flick Pillow of Death (1945), To Each His Own (1946), Blue Skies (1946), The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947), The Snake Pit (1948), Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1949), Harvey (1950), and Scandal Sheet (1952).